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MediHoney is a therapeutic honey salve that is used to treat wounds (Biglari et al 2013). Honey has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds in many different cultures. Honey contains particular enzymes that have the ability to breakdown bacterial cells, giving honey antibacterial properties (Dodd et al 2009). Honey has also been shown to promote wound healing and relieve wound-related pain (Biglari et al 2013).


What is MediHoney®?
  • The leading honey product for wound care
  • Available in a variety of forms (Mamba Mart 2016)
What are some advantages to using MediHoney® in wound healing?

According to a study conducted by Biglari et al in 2013:​

  • MediHoney® has shown to be effective in healing wounds infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Stphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

  • MediHoney® has also been shown to be effective against planktonic bacteria and bacteria with a biofilm.

  • MediHoney® and similar products have been demonstrated to accerelate wound healing in both acute and chronic wounds.

  • MediHoney® is appropriate for use in a variety of wounds in various age groups; in other words, it is not specific.

  • MediHoney® has shown to reduce pain in acute and chronic wounds.

How do I use MediHoney®?

​Gathered from Mamba Mart (2016):

  • All of MediHoney®'s products can be applied in the same manner described below.

  • First, wash hands with antibacterial soap and water to prevent infection.

  • Next, apply gloves.

  • Look for signs of healing, any redness, pain, swelling, or heat within or around the wound.

  • Clean the wound with sterile water, saline, or a wound cleanser.

  • Dry the skin by gently patting with sterile gauze.

  • Choose the appropriate product based on the wound's characteristics.

  • Apply the MediHoney® to fit the wound, cutting the dressing if necessary.

  • Apply an absorbent dressing over the MediHoney® and wound.

  • When indicated, change the dressing by removing the old dressing (with water or saline if it proves difficult to remove) and dispose of it properly.

  • Notify a healthcare provider if the wound gets worse.

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

This treatment includes a vacuum-assisted device. The vacuum applies suction to a clean wound and removes fluid, exudates and infectious material so that the wound can heal. This can be used on both acute and chronic wounds (Nasrin, 2015).

The image on the left shows the foam packing that is inserted in the wound before the vacuum-assisted device is put on. 

The image on the right shows what the device looks like on a wound.

Biglari, B; Moghaddam, A; Santos, K; Blaser, G; Büchler, A; Jansen, G; Längler, A; Graf, N; Weiler, U;

            Licht, V; Strölin, A; Keck, B; Lauf, V; Bode, U; Swing, t; Hanano, R; Schwarz, N T; Simon, A. (June

            2013). Multicentre prospective observational study on professional wound care using honey

            (Medihoney™).International Wound Journal, 10(3), 252-259.


Dodd S, Roson V, Thomas S (2009). Standardized antibacterial honey (Medihoney) with standard therapy

            in wound care: randomized clinical trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(3), 463-703.


Mamba Mart (2016). Dressing Guide & Instructions. Retrieved from


Nasrin Mirsaidi, MSN, RN, CNOR. (2015, January 12). Negative pressure wound therapy: Use with care. Retrieved October 15,

                    2016, from


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